Friday, August 5, 2011

Really back...really?

The fam returned yesterday around 1:00. I was so very glad to see them. My son returns with a stomach bug which I'm sure must be horrible when you're two and can't really rationalize what's happening. Yesterday I awoke with a sore back that I simply attributed to poor sleeping position. However, the pain increased as the day progressed and by evening I could barely move. This morning, more of the same. It will not be pleasant keeping up with a two year old with a bad back.  My wife will be conducting an inventory the next three days so it'll be just me and my boy. I fear I may need to take him to the doctor which will most certainly be an anxiety spiking endeavor. As I wrote yesterday, just being alone with him for such a long period of time causes enough anxiety to last a week. I need not tell you how the anxiety will flow when you couple such alone time with his sick belly. It will be interesting nevertheless. Still, I'm telling myself that my attitude must be as positive as possible. Doing so will only make for a better day. Do you see dear reader? Can you see the trend in my recent posts? Can you tell that they're becoming more positive? This, dear reader, is a good, good sign that the depression is beginning to loosen it's death grip around my neck.

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